Joyful Magic: Play, Wonder, Discovery

Superhero Yoga: Evolving the Next Generation of Awesome

If you know you are here to be a real-life Superhero, and are looking for a yoga form designed to support your Superhero training, this post’s for you. With great joy and excitement, I introduce the world’s first official Superhero Yoga. For 12 years I have been engaged in intensive research into the place of physical yoga in modern society–how it can be a vehicle and technology for present day imbalances and near future achievements. I believe humans are collectively...

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Mr. Rogers–The unique philosophy of a real-Life Superhero

So, this is obviously a man that needs no introduction. Furthermore, this is a man that spoke more eloquently than I do; so I will save you from trying to give my own voice to his deep philosophy of love, acceptance, peace and justice, and let him speak for himself. The guiding philosophy of Mr. Rogers: • We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say “It’s not my child, not my community, not...

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Life hacking your destiny–the Avatar’s guide to ‘LifeBending’

I want to share with you one of my heroes. Someone that so powerfully embodies that amazing trifecta of humanness, innocence and enlightenment: Aang, the Avatar and Last Airbender. If you don’t know about Aang and his animated adventures, here’s the short ‘n sweet: Why am I focusing on Aang in this article? Aang is the archetype of the (Super)Hero’s Journey, showing us how to overcome great odds and hardship to become the person we truly desire to be–even though...

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The Science of the Psych-Up: on-call awesomeness

Imagine being able to trigger a boost, to activate an extra jolt of juice, in your exact moment of need…calling on hidden resource to overcome a major obstacle, or capitalize on a fleeting opportunity. Sounds good, right? Today is all about the psych-up: what it is, why it works, and how to do it. I promise you, there is a learnable science behind it. And you might be amazed at how many influential people in all areas of life use...

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Your inevitable yoga ceiling, and how to shatter it

It’s Inevitable At a certain point in your yoga journey, you will reach this transition. For some sooner; for others later. But you will reach it. Let me give a context: Defined one way, yoga is the development of energy awareness and control for the purpose of realizing freedom, AND the resulting freedom itself. I will say again: yoga is the awareness and control of one’s energies for freedom. The most dense form of your energy is your physical body,...

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The Princess Bride Guide to Beating All Odds

If you’re like me (and probably a few million others), The Princess Bride was a movie that captured your imagination as a child or young adult. There are so many reasons that The Princess Bride is awesome, but as I rewatched it the other day (just cuz), I realized the thing that grabbed me most in this story is the ability to stay focused and fully committed to a purpose, even against overwhelming odds. As I watched, point-for-point, how Westley...

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Ralphie’s 7 Rules for Staying Healthy & Happy Through the Holidays

You’ll shoot your eye out! Theme song to listen to while reading As we pass the mid-point of December, like clockwork I start to get a head-to-toe current of electric excitement. Is it the anticipation of time off? Is it the promise of presents? Is it the fabulous feasting? Nay, it is the seasonal arrival of Ralphie’s adventure through kid-dom that we fondly know as A Christmas Story. December marks my annual trip to the Parker family’s home of Hohman, Indiana,...

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