Codex Categories

The Science of the Psych-Up: on-call awesomeness

Imagine being able to trigger a boost, to activate an extra jolt of juice, in your exact moment of need…calling on hidden resource to overcome a major obstacle, or capitalize on a fleeting opportunity. Sounds good, right? Today is all about the psych-up: what it is, why it works, and how to do it. I promise you, there is a learnable science behind it. And you might be amazed at how many influential people in all areas of life use...

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Self-Sabotaging Supervillains–How to vanquish them for good

It’s inevitable. As we level-up our lives and don the mantle of the Superhero, we will attract the self-sabotaging attention of our Inner Supervillains. We activate courage, and they respond with whispers of self-doubt. We drop our shields and allow vulnerability, and fear of hurt rears its head. We claim a meaningful purpose, and visions of failure cloud our mind. Facing inner villains is an unavoidable part of the (Super)hero’s journey. What we can decide though, is how we will face...

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Your inevitable yoga ceiling, and how to shatter it

It’s Inevitable At a certain point in your yoga journey, you will reach this transition. For some sooner; for others later. But you will reach it. Let me give a context: Defined one way, yoga is the development of energy awareness and control for the purpose of realizing freedom, AND the resulting freedom itself. I will say again: yoga is the awareness and control of one’s energies for freedom. The most dense form of your energy is your physical body,...

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The Princess Bride Guide to Beating All Odds

If you’re like me (and probably a few million others), The Princess Bride was a movie that captured your imagination as a child or young adult. There are so many reasons that The Princess Bride is awesome, but as I rewatched it the other day (just cuz), I realized the thing that grabbed me most in this story is the ability to stay focused and fully committed to a purpose, even against overwhelming odds. As I watched, point-for-point, how Westley...

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‘Stroke of Insight’–Jill Taylor’s Amazing Ted Talk

A neruo-biologist watching herself suffer a massive stroke that almost kills her. An experiential ebb-and-flow between egoic individuality and collective consciousness. An 8 year journey of recovery. A mind of science deeply impacted by the experience of spirit. This is one of the most incredible talks I have ever experienced. We are the live-force power of the universe, with manual dexterity and two cognitive minds. We have the power to choose, moment by moment, who and how we want to be in...

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Meditation Superman Style–Find your Fortress of Solitude

If you’re reading the League of Awesomeness posts, I’ll risk assuming that you already know of Superman’s Fortress of Solitude. If not, the quick origin story is this (the simplest of a few versions): A small crystalline artifact was entrusted in the escape pod that bore the baby Superman away from his dying planet of Krypton to Earth. Years later on Earth, the adult Superman activates this crystal artifact in the Arctic wastelands, and out of it grows an entire...

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Humility and Vision: A Transparent New Year’s Reflection

I value real transformation; meaningful and deep blossoming over time. The League’s approach to life is built on this fundamental value of growth and unfoldment. And what follows is my New Year’s Reflection, Superhero style. In order to assess if some principle, intention or practice is really producing the transformation that we are intending, we must be honest with ourselves, with our process–what worked and what didn’t work. So as 2012 comes to a close, I have been reflecting on...

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